Multiscale mechanics, multiphysics modeling and simulations for energy storage

29 August — 31 August 2022, Lake of Garda, Italy

Final report

Dates and location

29 August — 31 August 2022, Lake of Garda, Italy


Prof. Alberto Salvadori, Universita` degli Studi di Brescia, Italy


Prof. Robert McMeeking, UCSB, USA ; Dr. Edwin Knobbe, BMW AG, Germany

Conference fees

  • Early bird [15/5/2022] - full registration : 250.00 €
  • Late [after 16/5/2022] - full registration: 300.00 €
  • Online registration: 100.00 €
  • Accompanying fee (dinner): 80.00 €
  • Poster registration: 250.00 €

What other funding was obtained?

University of Brescia ; BMW Group ; Dassault Systemes ; Comsol ; Sabic

Conference fees:
Early registration speakers: 250 euros ; Late registration speakers: 300 euros ;
Poster registration speakers: 250 euros ;
Remote attendance registration: 100 euros ;

Euromech provided 2000 euros support, and the platform cost for remote attendance was 2500 euros.

What were the participants offered?

- Three days of scientific presentations and round-table discussion, in
hybrid format (30 speakers, 11 posters, 4 in-person attendees; 7 video-conf)
at the Congress Center in Sirmione, Lake of Garda.

- Five coffee breaks with pastries and cookies.

- 1 colloquium dinner at the winery "Borgo la Caccia", Pozzolengo. The dinner included bus transport, a performance by a duet (Daniela Fusha arpa and violin ensemble); cocktail.

- Welcome address from the Rector of the University of Brescia, from the Major of Sirmione.

- Service of remote connectivity, safety, cleaning.

- 11 Posters printing.

Applicants (members)

  1. Matteo Arricca
  2. Claudia Bonanno
  3. Adam Boyce
  4. Luigi Cabras
  5. Nicolò Curati
  6. Vikram Deshpande
  7. Marc Kamlah
  8. Ulrike Krewer
  9. Guerric Lemoine
  10. Emilio Martinez-Paneda
  11. Robert Mcmeeking
  12. Matthias Neumann
  13. Kenneth Runesson
  14. Alberto Salvadori
  15. Volker Schmidt
  16. Brian Sheldon
  17. Wolfgang A. Wall
  18. Bai-Xiang Xu

Applicants (non members)

  1. Apu Basak
  2. Marzieh Bastanfar
  3. Sascha Berg
  4. Manuel Berlato
  5. Nicole Blum
  6. Kingshuk Bose
  7. Giovanna Bucci
  8. Pieremanuele Canepa
  9. Yanyu Chen
  10. Andrea Colavitto
  11. Marvin Cronau
  12. Dmitri Danilov
  13. Tanmay Dev
  14. Claudio Di Leo
  15. Sahar Esmizadeh
  16. Eta Forshamn
  17. Alejandro A. Franco
  18. Orkun Furat
  19. Kai Guo
  20. Souzan Hammadi
  21. Juan Hurtado
  22. Satheesh Kandasamy
  23. Han Kil Kim
  24. Arno Kwade
  25. Matthias Lachner
  26. Arnulf Latz
  27. Matthew Mcdowell
  28. Simone Montalto
  29. Victor Oancea
  30. Daniele Panfiglio
  31. Sreekanth Pannala
  32. Omar Perego
  33. Carlo Piccinato
  34. Yue Qi
  35. Irene Quinzeni
  36. Birgit Regner-Kamlah
  37. Michele Rizzotti
  38. Christoph Schmidt
  39. Maria Schmidt
  40. Mattia Serpelloni
  41. Paul Shearing
  42. Don Siegel
  43. Stephan Sinzig
  44. Jessica Smith
  45. Paul Specker
  46. Christiaan Stoker
  47. Robert Taylor
  48. Negin Valizadeh
  49. Tejs Vegge
  50. Erkin Yildiz

Scientific report

The purpose of the Euromech Colloquium "MULTISCALE MECHANICS, MULTIPHYSICS MODELING AND SIMULATIONS FOR ENERGY STORAGE" was to bring together the most active international research and industrial groups (with a special focus on Europe) to discuss fundamental issues for the development of next generation batteries - typically lithium or sodium ion.

Safety issues have led to the development of solid-state batteries, which present many open problems, most of which - perhaps surprisingly to non-experts - mechanical in nature. Although the usual audience for these kind of conferences is the academic one, the times we live in and a natural inclination of the organizers call for a strong presence of industrial groups, both large players in the manufacturing of batteries and automotive or consumer in general. One third of the scientific committee was selected from industry (BMW, Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp.) and representatives of several industrial groups attended the colloquium (Sabic, Ferrari Automotive, Fincantieri among others).

Most leading academic research groups from the field were represented, of course. The colloquium was attended by a total of 52 participants ( 30 invited speakers, 11 posters, 4 in-person attendees; 7 video-conf ).
Participants came from institutions in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, UK, Russia, China, USA, Sweden, Denmark, and Singapore. 30 oral face-to-face presentations of 30 minutes each - including Q&A, were given over the three days of the

The keyword of the colloquium was interdisciplinarity. The stage hosted mathematicians, mechanicians, computational experts, experimental and theoretical electrochemist, academic and industry-oriented talks. Such a strong multi-disciplinary organization was largely appreciated and made the colloquium a unique forum, capable to foster and boost interactions among the scientific groups.

Number of participants from each country

Country Participants
Italy 21
Germany 20
United States 15
United Kingdom 4
Sweden 3
Singapore 2
France 1
Belgium 1
Denmark 1
Total 68